Sunday, November 30, 2008


orry for the long break everyone...i got engaged monday night.  In case any one that reads this didn't know.  I can't think of a more exciting time of my life than the last week.  Amber is an incredible person and i can't think of spending the rest of my life on earth with anyone else.  All that being said...I've been working on invitations since we started talking about marriage.  I have been working on one the past 3 days and i showed Amber and we both decided we loved it, so it will be the one we are printing.

As always, the quality is a really low on here, but you get the picture.  She likes the idea of it folding in from both ends into kind of a square.  I really like the characters and the idea for the dress.  Being that it is my own wedding, i have been pretty over the top picky about all the graphic stuff and colors and such.  I really like how this is going so far.  I may add some more stuff to it besides text, but we'll just have to see about.  This is all i have time to write tonight though.  I'll be updating again the next few days.

Thanks for reading,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for the 2 of you!!