Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Birthday to me.

Hey everyone,

Yes, it is my birthday.  No, i didn't do much of anything.  Went to lunch with my brother and ruined Amber's surprise lunch for me.  Woops.  I still love her more than anyone i know.  So, no bigs.

I apparently didn't know that my work was in such high demand.  I arrived at church last night only to be slammed by my new readers comments on my lack of material for this blog thus far.  Who knew?  Just like that "Pink" song.  I think.

Anyway...this will probably be a really long, elaborate post, which most likely won't happen very often, but i have a lot of stuff i'd like to put up in this post.  I'll start off with a logo i've been working on for a lady i met at work one day.  She is a small business owner.  Her and her husband are management consultants.  They resolve systematic conflicts within a corporation and give a direction toward a brighter future for a business.  Like i said, i met her at apple one day and she e-mailed me a few weeks later and things got rolling.  I've been working on this logo for about a
 month now and i feel like I'm actually earning the $700 I'll make from it eventually :).  I guess they like me enough that they want me to put to
gether their web presence as well after we finish up the logo.  I guess only time will tell on all that.  Here goes:

This was the first round of development.  This was after five or six pages of sketches in my sketchbook.  I was a particular fan of the very first one in the burnt orange and black.

I just realized how low quality this are. the name of loading the page somewhat quickly i reduced the jpg quality way down.  Deal with it.  I'm not a fan of how i'm having to upload these pictures either.  Maybe i'm doing it wrong too...i'll ask my wonderful sister-in-law Beth how she does it sometimes...furthermore, more of the first round of developements.

I just found out i'm missing one of the pages of the development.  Anyways...after the first set, she picked one she liked and i put a few different spins on it.  Typically enough, the one she picked is a custom typeface.  Meaning, i didn't just type the words 
from a font on my computer... i drew them all with my mouse.  Fortunately, typography is probably my favorite thing about design, so i am really enjoying reworking this and seeing how many ways it can work.

Round 4:

And in the end....

Like i said, this probably wouldn't have been my pick for the identity of her business, but in the end, i guess it's not as much about what i want as it is what she wants for her money.  For the final polished version, we will probably combine a bit from both of the last ones on here, but you get an overall idea.

As i expected, i've become exhausted from this long entry, so i will retire for the evening.  Sorry if this was too long to enjoy, but i really would like this blog to be maybe a bit more than just something i write in every once in a while.  Art is inspiring, creative, unique, personal, whatever you want it to be, so feel free to comment on the work i've done.  Also, check back in the next few days for another update and you SHOULD not be disappointed.

Thanks for reading,


Jessica said...

happy birthday by the way.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

WOW! How long did it take to download those images?